Delight your guests with an adorable herd of sheep greeters! These can’t get any easier to make. Sheep faces drawn onto white balloons with a black permanent marker, attached to a balloon stick and stuck into the ground, potting plant, or wherever suits your fancy!
Shaun the Sheep DIY indoor Party Greeters. These are the same concept as the outdoor party greeters, but rather than using the permanent marker for the sheep’s face, I cut the shapes out from felt and added a bit of Poly-Fil to the top of the head.
Windows are often overlooked when it comes to decorating but with a bit of window chalk paint, your imagination can run free. Even better? The chalk wipes right off, easy-peasy! Fluffy clouds made from poly-fil and hung from the ceiling with fishing line, finished off the look. You have now transformed your windows into epic farmland scenes!
Watch your window pane turn into a green pasture filled with sheep! I grabbed this grass bulletin border from the Dollar Tree. Don’t have time to get to store? Cut some out from green construction paper and tape it to the bottom of the window.
These are our double front doors and once again, window chalk paint for the win! Using masking tape, I created the X outline and then colored inside with my white window chalk. I let dry, and remove the tape. Voila! Barnyard inspired motif! Buhbam! So easy and when it comes to cleanup, just wipe off! Easy-peasy!
Shaun the Sheep is set on a farm and to keep the theme going, I picked up some brown plates to represent the earth, and wrapped green plastic cutlery up in an orange napkin to look like a carrot, tying everything together with a small piece of hemp to keep with the earthy look and feel of a farm.
These were a lot of fun to make with my son, who was only three at the time. After the cupcakes cooled off, we frosted them and then dunked the freshly frosted tops into bowls of miniature marshmallows that would stick to the frosting and look just like fluffy sheep wool! Easy-peasy! The faces & ears were cut from black fondant, and the candy eyes we picked up at the grocery store and stuck on with some black squeeze icing (also picked up at the grocery store in the baking aisle).
Party guests parted ways with a bag of fresh sheep poop (chocolate covered raisins). My son thought these were fantastic and hilarious. I picked up some clear goodie bags from the Dollar Tree and I created the art, printed it out, folded it in half and stapled to bag.
Creative Projects